Are you ready to experience deep inner financial (over) flow so you can receive more calm and consistent cash and get your life-changing work out into the world on a greater level?

If you answered "oohhh yes" then ...

If you need more information to be a "oohh yes" then read on because I've got you covered

The Calm Cash Bundle

The Must Have Daily Practice to AMPLIFY your Inner Financial Flow

(like a Zen Master CEO)

  • You're already on your way to building an empire that will put those ancient pyramids to shame!

  • But let's be real, that nagging voice inside your head is probably telling you that you're destined for even greater things - you're the kind of woman who sets her sights on the moon (or maybe even Mars) and won't stop until she gets there.

  • And we all know that to achieve these lofty goals, you gotta make the cosmic cash flow.

Which all begins with you unlocking your inner financial flow.

Introducing The Calm Cash Bundle

A Daily Practice to AMPLIFY Your Inner Financial Flow

My Calm Cash process is no secret - it's a MUST have daily 5-minute Nervous System practice that's so easy even my Toy Cavoodle could do it (and she had opposable thumbs). This practice is like a secret handshake with the universe that says "Hey, I'm open and ready for abundance, so bring on my next level cash!" And let's be real, you're ready to attract more financial resources into your business! So let's amp up your inner financial flow so you feel Buddhist Zen Master calm as you walk into new levels of financial overflow that allows you to get your life-changing work out into the world in a BIG way!

What’s included?


that provides you with the MUST have essentials to maximise the benefits of this practice.


to unlock your inner financial (over)flow be Buddhist Zen Master calm as you walk into your next level of cash.



Notebook and Coffee on a Table


Financial Flow Vision Workbook

to map out your journey towards financial abundance and create a clear vision for the financial flow that even the universe can't resist (VALUE $47)


The Calm Cash 30-Day Journal

to elevate your financial flow energy and manifest abundance with the ease of a yoga guru practicing money pose (VALUE $47)



But right now it's ONLY


Together over 30 days using this practice you will ...

Cultivate a calm and focused financial energy that is open to receiving more abundance and prosperity.

Unleash your inner financial potential so you can be regulated to receive in your business in open and easy ways.

Learn how to partner with your Financial Nervous System to move into your next level of "ohhh this feels so good" money.

Hi, I'm Gemma Benad

A Psychic Business Mentor and Energetics Expert for high-achieving Visionaries and Leaders on the path to 7+ figures, plus a Mumma to 5.

I'm a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practioner, Certified NeuroFit Trainer and Human Design and Gene Keys Embodiment Coach with over 15+ years entrepreneurial and mentoring experience.

Today, I'm on a mission to help as many women as possible build a balanced business model and achieve delusional levels of success ... their way.